Tuesday, July 15, 2008

7 Days!!!!

Well, I'm having surgery a week from today. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30am and surgery is scheduled for 7am. I really wonder if it'll happen on time. I sure don't expect it to but we'll see! Honestly, I think it should be aganist the law to tell someone they have to be at the hospital at 5:30am. I mean seriously people. That's just crazy. I'm sure I won't sleep much anyway. I'm just saying...that's really, really early. It's what I call.... the butt-crack of dawn....and I really hate the butt-crack of dawn! Of course when I was in college anything before noon was the butt crack of dawn.

I really can't believe the surgery is a week from today. Tomorrow I am meeting up with my friends Susan and Laurie for dinner...I love my bionic buddies! :-) I'm really excited about being able to see them again. They can help calm my nerves. Just talking to them inspires me....they both have had great success with the implant....or implants since Laurie has bilateral implants!

Well, I don't really have much to share. I'm just taking it a day at a time. This weekend I will probably work on getting some chores done so we don't have to worry about it while I'm recuperating. I plan on getting all the laundry done and picking up around the house. I'm sure the hubby will mow the yard. I was going to work on Monday but decided to take it off. I figure it would be best since I might be a little anxious about heaving my head cut open and all. I'm not being dramatic or anything am I? Haha. Jason is going to work on Monday and then take the rest of the week off to take care of his bionic wife! :-) Then next week I'm going to have my name changed to Jamie Sommer....haha just kidding!!!!

Well, that's all I have for now! I'm hoping to remember to get on the HLAA chat this coming Monday. The past two Monday's I have forgotten about it! It makes me so mad. Last night I remembered early on and then I started reading my book and the time flew by. I remembered this morning that I forgot! How can I keep forgetting? So, someone out there needs to remind me!

I will post again before the surgery! :-)


Laurie said...

Can't wait to see you tomorrow night!

Set your new Blackberry to alert you to the chat. . . I set my phone for everything!

There is another chat at hearingjourney.com on Thursday nights. I try to jump in on that one, too, sometimes.

By the way, once you get to the hospital they keep you so busy that you really don't have time to think about the surgery. You'll be done before you know it!

See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, Karen! I know what you mean! I keep thinking, "A week from now...I'll be in surgery" or "I'll be DONE with surgery"! It's hard to believe.

I have to be at the hospital at 6 am and my surgery is scheduled for 8:00. I am WITH you on the early arrival...good grief! How long does it take to get to your hospital? Mine is about 45 min. away so I will probably be getting up around 4:30 am that day. How fun!! :-)

Shari said...

I have an hour's drive to get to the hospital. They want me there by 6:30 and the surgery's at 8:30. They said that there will be all kinds of paperwork to sign so the registration process will take a while.

So we will have to leave around 5 am in case of traffic and all. Poor Hubs. He's a night owl. I'm the early bird. I loke getting up early. I'm outnumbered here. :)

Take it easy. Stay calm and positive.


Debbie/Steve said...

You'll be in a good hands the morning of your CI surgery. Going through this route is like a piece of cake. My thoughs and prayers will be with you. Best wishes!

Cyborg Queen said...


I had to be at the hospital between 730 and 8. The first surgery, I went in the OR at around 1:30ish pm. The second surgery I didn't go in until 3pm. The OR was slightly overbooked during my second surgery, and the surgeon had another surgery before me.

I went to a pretty large hospital. So some people who went to a smaller hospital, were seen quickly.

They do all the pre stuff first - check your pee making sure youre not preggie, checking blood work to make sure nothing is wrong with your organs, paperwork..

Be sure to bring a book! :-)
I'll be thinking of you next week.

elizabeth said...

Best wishes for a successful surgery!

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