Thursday, August 21, 2008

Activation Part II...

Okay... I went to see the audiologist at 8am this morning. I went to an audiologist with Dr. Merwin's office but it was someone different. The other audiologist didn't have a time available.

Things still sound like a chain saw/white noise however it is much more tolerable. It's actually louder at home than it was at the office but I need to get used to it. Talking to DJ and some other people I think this could be very normal. This is my worst ear and it has been "dead" since birth. The audi I saw this morning thinks it's just my nerve being stimulated and my brain isn't used to it. So, hopefully, I can get through this part of it. As I said it is MUCH more tolerable.

I can hear my husband from the kitchen...well I hear a "noise" and it's him. Everything has the same pitch. He flushed the toilet and I heard a "noise". There is no distinguishing between sounds. Today we turned the volume down and I am going to try to get used to it. I'm not scared to put on the processor I have moved the magnet away from my head many times to get used to the sound so I don't jump anymore. I did take a nap (without the processor) and put it on as soon as I woke up. I realize that now that the sound is bearable I will have to leave it on as much as I can to get used to it. The audi said that the chain saw type noise will eventually fade away. I'm hoping sooner than later! :-)

My appt. at 8am and we got home about 10ish. I wanted to go back to work but things are overwhelming (but not like Monday). So, I'm going to try to get used to these new sounds today and hopefully I can wear the implant to work tomorrow. If I didn't have the revving (chain saw type/white noise sound) I would probably be hearing much more. However, that is okay! This is just an obstacle I have to overcome. I may take breaks while I do that but I'm going to try. I will probably wear my hearing aid with the implant at work tomorrow as well. It helps things a little bit when I do that.

Thank you all for your understanding and support. I appreciate it a lot. I don't like the sound of the keyboard on my lap top. So I am going to stop typing now! :-) At least I can hear the keys on my lap top! That is something new! :-)

Editing to add some info: Jen made a comment about my ear not working since birth. I should have clarifed that a little. We found out when I was in first grade that I couldn't hear out of the right ear and did nothing about it...until I lost the hearing my left ear when I was 8 years old. So, YES I did wear a hearing aid in that ear but it wasn't something helped me a great deal. I mean ever "little bit" helps but you know what I mean. It helped a "little" it wasn't something I couldn't live without. So, I doubt the nerve has ever worked so that might be why I'm struggling a little. But seriously as I sit here I remember on Monday I couldn't MOVE b/c sound was so bad. Today I've been able to move around the house. I can't play the volume on the T.V yet as that is a little uncomfortable. I just keep telling myself the roar will fade. It does get louder and annoying at times but I'm keeping a positive outlook.

Oh, and I go back to the Audi a week from today so I have a week to take notes and hopefully by next week things will be better.


Jennifer said...

Karen...I had absolutely no idea that you were implanting an ear that had been dead since birth. You've never even worn a hearing aid in that ear? That certainly explains a lot!! I'm glad the sound is more sounds like it was just turned up entirely too loud. The chainsaw sounds will start sorting out into new sounds soon. You're doing the right thing...wearing it as much as you're able...I'm proud of you (((hugs)))!

Laurie said...


You are off to a better start today! I'm glad you can actually wear the processor! Hopefully you will have your "aha" moment soon! It does take time for your brain to process all these new sounds. . . remember, your new ear is a "baby" ear and is learning. Hang in there!

Hugs from CT, Laurie

Shari said...

Karen, I am so glad that you got it adjusted. And thanks for the clarification. I'm glad it's more comfortable for you now. By next week, another map adjustment will make it easier as time goes on. (I think. I'm only going by what I've read.)

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Karen, I'm SO glad you were able to get in for another appt. so soon. I hope the chainsaw is turning into sound for you. I heard things as a "buzzing" sound -- I think my volume is lower than yours, but if it was higher I probably would use "chainsaw" to describe it too! LOL

At first every sound was the same, that buzzing noise. But the more I wore the implant, the clearer things became. Now I only hear the buzzing when the magnet first attaches to my head.

I hope things are getting better and better for you! Yay!!

Big hugs,


Abbie said...

I am so glad that they audiologist did the mapping where it was much more tolerable. Noises sound very sharp and jarring in the beginning but it eventually acclimates to a point whereit sounds normal... I'm glad to see you can wear it now :)